Monday, March 27, 2017

Post #3 (elements)

What are the elements of a blog? (List at least 5)


Post #2 (purpose)

What is the purpose for writing a blog?

The purpose for writing a blog is to express my feelings to others. Also to share my feelings to people.Many companies manage a blog and share about their business, products or services.Another example of writing the purpose of a blog is.Writing blogs could be promotion of a product or service.

Post #1 (Steps)

What are the steps in creating a blog? (List at least 5)

The steps of creating a blog are simple. One you have to have a source to use. Two You need a subject. Three you need to have your blog focus on something. Four Post daily about you. Last Five make sure to organize it.

Monday, March 20, 2017


Welcome viewers to my educational e-portfolio. I have collected samples of my best work from several classes.I would like to share this blog with you so you can find out about me. Please let me know if you liked this post.